Where's the Control?

I want it. I don’t have it. In fact, no one seems to have it. It’s completely disappeared. I know for sure he doesn’t have it. But is he going to find it? If only I knew that answer.

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Wary about Christmas

It should be a really exciting time of year - I should be looking forward to our first Christmas together. Instead, I'm worrying about it - will he want to drink, will he sneak off and drink, will he convince me we should drink together because it's Christmas (the most likely) or will I just be so worried that alcohol is going to ruin the day that I don't enjoy any of it?
I know I need to relax about it, but it doesn't help when I can already see him making the excuses as to why he will most probably turn to drink over Christmas - he has told me he's never had a happy Christmas, some bad things have happened before around this time of year and he misses people, and he can't wait for it to be over. Great. That made me feel special. My boyfriend can't wait for our first Christmas together to be over. Of course, as usual, his response to that was that not everything is about me and I shouldn't try to make everything about me. Unfortunately he often makes me feel that nothing is about me.

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